Nick Laird-Clowes über The Division Bell und David Gilmour

Ein sehr interessantes Interview mit Nick Laird-Clowes erschien dieser Tage auf dem YouTube Channel von Professor of Rock. Die Fragen thematisierten seine Assistenz am Pink Floyd Album The Division Bell. Er schrieb Texte für die Songs Take It Back und Poles Apart.


Nick Laird-Clowes: When the Dream Academy split up, I went travelling to Europe. And then I got asked by Pat Leonard and Richard Page to come and work with them on a project called 3rd Matinee. I worked for a couple of months on that and probably three months later I come back to London.

And when I came back to London, David Gilmour have started working on the second Album without Roger. He said he is in the middle of this thing and I play you some of the things I’m being doing.

Now, I’ve been sitting in a studio with Pat Leonard and Richard Page and writing songs, so I was completely focused on. David came in, and my chops was good. I said, yeah that’s good, but that bit is boring, that’s right … are those your finished vocals or what? Anyway, he said, … why don’t you come in and produce my vocals. That’s how it started.

Then he was working with Polly Samson on songs, and they said, why don’t you come over, and listen to what we got and the ones that aren’t written yet, come in and listen.

We were in our second or third months, and he played me Poles Apart, and I loved that. He said I got no Lyrics, and both said we aren’t sure where this is going. I said, hey, tell me about your relationship to Syd Barrett. We know about Rogers relationship, but he was your friend, you went camping when he was 16 … and he said, well, I NEVER THOUGHT HE LOSE THOSE LIGHT IN HIS EYES … I said, all done, I never thought he lose those light in his eyes, and we were off.


Nick Laird-Clowes: His style of singing is so fantastic. He sings with an English accent, and he sings without much expression, and Syd Barrett did that to. And I always say to him, you are my favoured Guitarist in the world, apart from Neil Young (laughs). And he really is.

What did you learn or admire of David Gilmour?

Nick Laird-Clowes: … One, stick to your guns.

Two, his use of echoes and delays, digital delay … and when you put that with reverb you make the sound as big as a cave and that in itself is an art. He told me about that, and that’s how you make the world of your music. Before I met him, I couldn’t make the records the way to sound.

Sound effect was the third mayor important thing. He makes a sound world with seven or eight bits, and that’s lovingly crafted. I learned all my studio technics from him.

Das komplette Interview gibt es hier ⇨ Professor of Rock – The Division Bell. Ab Minute 13:40 kommt Laird-Clowes ins Spiel.

Ich danke Luna vom A Fleeting Glimpse Forum für den Hinweis.

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