Eclipse – Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side Of The Moon 50th Ningaloo Eclipse Documentary

On Thursday 20 April 2023, the shadow of the moon grazed the tip of Western Australia, as it travelled over one of the world’s most beautiful areas – the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Marine Park in Exmouth. Overseen by the group’s long time Creative Consultant and Hipgnosis co-founder, Aubrey ‘Po’ Powell, Pink Floyd gave eight Australian fans (named The Astronomy Domine Eight) the exclusive opportunity to visit the special scenic location within the region to hear THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON in full. The album’s soaring epic final song ‘Eclipse’ (with the closing lines “But the sun is eclipsed by the moon…”) was timed to align with the exact moment of total eclipse.

1 Antwort

  1. Avatar GerdM sagt:

    Ein sehr schöner Film, der die Atmosphäre der Total Eclipse Down Under gut rüber bringt. Wish, I was there.
    Hätte allerdings den Film von 31:00 Min. auf die Länge von DSOTM gebracht und die Total Eclipse am Ende mit “Eclipse” unterlegt.
    Die Kommentare der “Astronomy 8” hätten dann ruhig vorher gebracht werden können. Aber, bin kein Filmschaffender.
    Toller Film, sehenswert!

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