Roger Waters Interview im Guitar World

Das Cover des aktuellen Guitar World Magazin, ziert, schwer übersehbar, ein eher ernst dreinschauender Roger Waters. Die dazugehörige Headline lautet: Roger Waters – His Last Word On The Wall!

Einen kurzen Auszug des Artikels findet ihr hier: Guitar World: Roger Waters explains imagery and symbolism behind wall live his update pink floyd classic.

Das Coverfoto stammt übrigens von Sean Evans!

3 Antworten

  1. Avatar Christian sagt:

    “Roger Waters Recording First Rock Album in Over Two Decades”
    mehr unter:

    • Felix Untersteiner Felix Untersteiner sagt:

      Roger Waters wrapped up his three-year Wall tour in September, and since then he’s turned his attention toward his first rock album since 1992’s Amused to Death. “I finished a demo of it last night,” he tells Rolling Stone. “It’s 55 minutes long. It’s songs and theater as well. I don’t want to give too much away, but it’s couched as a radio play. It has characters who speak to each other, and it’s a quest. It’s about an old man and a young child trying to figure out why they are killing the children.

      das macht neugierig

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