Roger Waters fordert Neil Young erneut auf nicht in Israel aufzutreten

Die Spirale der Gewalt zwischen Israel und den Palästinensern geht, nach der Ermordungen von drei israelischen Jugendlichen und dem Rachemord an einem 16jährigen Palästinenser, den man lebendig verbrannte, unvermindert weiter. Israel und Palästinenser sind wieder im Krieg. Israel bereitet sich auf einen Einmarsch vor und die Luftwaffe bombardiert Häuser von Extremisten, über 100 Tote zählt man auf palästinensischer Seite, darunter selbstverständliche viele Zivilisten! Das seit Jahren immer weider Raketen auf Israel abgefeuert werden soll nicht unerwähnt bleiben. Die gewählten Hardliner sind am Zug. Wie viele Jahre geht das jetzt schon so? Ein Gefühl der Hoffnungslosigkeit ist nicht zu verleugnen!

Roger Waters scheint noch einen gewissen Rest an Hoffnung zu besitzen. Er schrieb Neil Young einen Brief, sein zweites Schreiben, in dem er ihm nahelegt, dass Konzert in Tel Aviv, das am 17. Juli in stattfinden soll, endlich abzusagen! Genug ist genug, so Waters. In seiner Einleitung schreibt Waters wie sehr er Young´s Musik schätzt. Er erwähnt, dass er Young´s Einladung, beim Bridge School Concert aufzutreten, wegen seiner The Wall Tour in Europa letztes Jahr nicht annehmen konnte, es aber gerne dieses Jahr nachholen! Für Neil Young wäre es jetzt ein leichtes, das Konzert aufgrund der herrschende Zustände abzusagen, ohne sein Gesicht zu verlieren.

Dear Neil Young.
There are rumors flying about that you are considering doing shows in Tel Aviv this year.
The picket lines have been crossed in this last year by one or two lightweights from our community but no one of your stature. Woody Guthrie would turn in his grave. Neil Young! You are one of my biggest heroes, you are one of a very short list, you, John Lennon, Woody Guthrie, Huddy Ledbetter, Harry Belafonte, Sam Cooke, Billie Holiday and, like some others, but not many, your songs have always been redolent of love and humanity and compassion for your fellow man and woman. I find it hard to believe that you would turn your back on the indigenous people of Palestine. That you would lend support to, and encourage and legitimize, with your presence, a colonial apartheid regime, largely settled from Europe, that seeks to confine the native people of the land, either in exile or in second class status in reservations and ghettos.
Please, brother, tell me it ain’t so.

As I recall, back in the day, along with the rest of us (Stevie van Zandt, Bruce, Led Zep etc etc etc etc)  you would not “Play In Sun City” I am asking you to stand on the same moral ground now. The late, great, Nelson Mandela lives on in us, we cannot let him down. He was explicit in his position and I quote, ” We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”.

It is time for “Rock Against Racism” to show some of it’s muscle by refusing to lend our names to the whitewashing of the illegal colonization of Palestinian land and the systematic oppression of its indigenous people. Unfortunately the opposition lobby has a lot of muscle too. They spend millions on their “Hasbara”(If like me you have no Hebrew)”Explaining” or to you and me “Propaganda”. The propaganda machine is well oiled and ruthless. We, on the other hand, have only our commitment to non-violent resistance to lie down in front of the IDF caterpillar tractors that would raze the native people from the land of Palestine. We stand with those people, and with all the brave people of Israel and Palestine, Jewish and Arab alike who oppose The Israeli Governments brutal policies. We stand with Rachel Corrie, the young American woman who gave her life under the caterpillar’s tracks. Please join me and countless other artists all over the world in solidarity with the oppressed and the disenfranchised. It is time to heed the peoples call. People like The Bedouin, the nomadic people of the Negev in the arid south of Israel, please research their plight, one village, Al-Araqib has been destroyed 63 times by IDF Bulldozers. If you are in doubt about any of this, I will go with you to Palestine, and Israel, if they’ll let me in, you will see what I have seen, and then let us figure out the right thing to do.

By the way I watched your Bridge School concert on YouTube last year, it was very moving, you were, of course magnificent. You had asked me to perform, and as I explained to your management, I would have gladly done so had I not already been committed to The Wall Tour in Europe and Stand Up For Heroes in New York. This year I will be pleased and proud to come and support you if you call.
With respect, and love.
Roger Waters.

 Foto: Neil Young in Wiesen 2008, © Thomas Zeidler

7 Antworten

  1. Avatar aj sagt:

    das konzert findet nicht statt!

  2. Avatar Werner sagt:

    The Concert organizers said that, “We regret to announce the cancellation of the Neil Young and Crazy Horse concert planned for Thursday near the Yarkon Park. This is in light of rocket attacks in recent days and concern for public safety at a major event. Information on refunds and cancellations or ticket will be published this Friday in a press release and at the ticket office.”

    • Oskar Oskar sagt:

      super! dann kann er Roger ja zum Bridge School Benefit einladen! und vielleicht spielen Pearl Jam auch wieder dort… Mother im Duett wäre auch nicht schlecht 😉

  3. Avatar thom sagt:

    lesenswert.. – cancelled: neil youngs upcoming tel aviv concert

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