Billy Prine Podcast: Roger Waters hofft US-Tour im Herbst 2021 zu starten

Billy Prine, der Bruder des am 7.4.2020 verstorbenen Singer-Songwriter John Prine, unterhielt sich im Dezember 2020 via Zoom mit Roger Waters.

In the special episode, Billy talks with Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters. They discuss “lockdown recording at home”, Roger’s special friendship and memories with John, thoughts on the recent political events in the US and “the elephant in the room.” They conclude with a fascinating discussion on humanity and how we are all affected by recent world events.

BILLY PRINE: So, Roger, are you are going to be back on the road when it is durable again? I mean like next year maybe.

ROGER WATERS: The tour I was supposed to do starting in July this year I tend to plan for Fall next year.

BILL PRINE: So you postponed.

ROGER WATERS: Yeah, by 15 months or something. You know it’s an awful lot of people to get everybody organized and get it moving, needs a lot of people. That’s just the nature of what I do, I do big Rock N Roll Shows, and so I have to work in Arenas, so people have to be able to go. I’m punting that at the end of late summer next year we be able to go. And I Think also that I want to go. Where they will get the money from I don’t know because they don’t get any help from this administration.

Prine Time Podcast: Roger Waters (Season2, Episode 2)

3 Antworten

  1. Felix Untersteiner Felix Untersteiner sagt:

    Bin gespannt, die Haare wachsen auch, bald sieht er aus wie 1973 love it

  2. GeckoFloyd GeckoFloyd sagt:

    Danke für die Info, ob das doch noch bis Herbst mit meiner New York-Reise klappt, steht auf der dunklen Seite des Mondes, bzw. da bin ich skeptisch, cross-your-fingers. Sextuplisches Cheers 😉

  3. Avatar Yucateco sagt:

    Tour auf Juli 2022 verschoben. Aber Roger sieht in dem neuen Video erfreulich fit aus

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